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When is a journalist a “commercial observer”?

The Conservatives are in town – that’s if your town is Birmingham. They are relatively frequent visitors to the Midlands and a few years ago, with a confirmed commission, I applied for media accreditation to cover the conference. My application was denied. The reason that was given was that I was not representing a national publication […]

Outgoing MPs should foot the bill for self-serving by-elections

Democracy is priceless asset. Throughout the world, over the centuries, ordinary people have fought for the right to elect the people who represent them. It is a battle that has been going on in more recent times; and is even going on today. From the suffragette movement in the UK in the early 20th Century; through to […]

Unease at Parliament’s motion on ISIL

Today, Parliament will debate military action against the so-called Islamic State in Syria. Personally, I’m in favour of military action. But I’m extremely uneasy about today’s Parliamentary proceedings. This is the motion MPs will debate: “That this House condemns the barbaric acts of ISIL against the peoples of Iraq including the Sunni, Shia, Kurds, Christians and […]

Devolution and constitutional reform: Is it time to restore the Kingdoms?

Much has been said in the aftermath of Scotland’s “No” to independence about ensuring that the English get a fair deal in any further devolution package. But most of what has been said has ignored the basic question about what our democratic institutions are for. And ‘solutions’ are being put forward without any real debate […]

Walsall manager Dean Smith on transfers, injuries, pre-season games, and the season ahead

This morning the Walsall squad were put through their paces by manager Dean Smith, head coach Richard O’Kelly and Physio Jon Whitney at an open training session on the Banks’s Stadium pitch. It is a simple idea that the club has run a few times now in recent years and, as always, it began with a […]

St John’s Churchyard, Heath Hayes and the not-so “complicated procedures” on closure

When I left the Diocese of Lichfield almost three years ago to return to journalism, I took the decision that I would not report on the diocese. It is a rule that I have occasionally broken, when the circumstances are appropriate and when it is clear that there is no conflict of interest. Such instances have included […]