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The Church of England is a tortoise compared to Rome’s hare

There are many ways of comparing denominations. There are so many differences of style, liturgy, customs and even doctrine. But such comparisons are always subjective. One man’s heresy is another man’s cornerstone. But recent events involving the leadership of the Church of England and the Church of Rome, overlapping as they have, provide us with […]

The shocking outcome to Aussie radio station royal pregnancy prank

A radio station presenter called a female journalist a “fat slag”, live on air. Another presenter at the same station pressured a 14 year old girl, also live on air, to confirm that she had been raped. For both of these breaches the regulator imposed a licence condition requiring it to not broadcast “material which […]

The Leveson Inquiry Report – Live Blog

The Leveson Inquiry into the Culture, Practice and Ethics of the Press Live-Blog: Please publicise http://drakene.ws/leveson-report. 1701 The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition are now meeting for talks aimed at building a consensus approach to the Leveson Inquiry Report and its recommendations; ahead a general debate on the Report in the […]

More news from the Church in Wales Governing Body

University Chaplains Education chaplaincy was something “very worth while”, the Bishop of St Asaph, the Rt Revd Gregory Cameron, told the GB, as he moved a motion that urged “ways of supporting, developing, and enhancing chaplaincy provision to institutions of tertiary, further, and higher education”. The GB heard presentations from a number of education chaplains. More: […]

Church in Wales’ Governing Body debates women bishops

A consultation  conducted earlier this year suggested that a majority of members of the Governing Body (GB) were in favour of women bishops, the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, said. “Seventy-nine per cent of lay members and 83 per cent of clerical members indicated either strong or broad support for legislation being brought forward to […]