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Pakistan urged to stop blasphemy law’s ‘massive human-rights violations’

Pakista is being urged to set up a commission to investigate the “tragic consequences” of its blasphemy law and “suggest a way out of this difficult and embarrassing situation”. The call came in a communiqué issued on 19 September by the World Council of Churches after a series of public hearings in Geneva. The laws […]

‘Bigot’ slip coincides with further same-sex rows

Teachers could face disciplinary action, including dismissal, if they fail to endorse same-sex marriage, suggests legal advice published by the pressure group Coalition for Marriage. The warning came in the week when the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, briefly labelled opponents of the Government’s same-sex marriage consultation “bigots”, and the Green Party expelled a Brighton […]

British Government lawyer: No religious discrimination at work if Christians can resign

Christians cannot claim that they have suffered religious discrimination at work if they have the freedom to resign and look for another job, a British-government lawyer told the European Court of Human Rights this week. James Eadie QC made his comments as he outlined the Government’s position in four cases: those of Nadia Eweida and […]

Church lawyers to review advice to PCCs on chancel repair liability

Church lawyers are to review their advice to PCCs on Chancel Repair Liability (CRL), after the case in Broadway, Worcestershire, where the Charity Commission ruled that it would be “reasonable” for the parish not to register liability against 30 householders. Under recent legislative changes, PCCs have just over a year to register CRL against affected […]

Archbishop’s child abuse inquiry finds diocese “Dysfunctional”

An investigation set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury following persistent allegations of child abuse by priests has concluded that the Diocese of Chichester is “dysfunctional” and this “continues to impinge upon the adequacy of safeguarding in the diocese.” Dr Rowan Williams established a rare Archbishop’s Commission – the first in over 100 years – […]

Frank Skinner’s Greenbelt debut delayed by fear and “storms of biblical proportions”

Comedian and radio presenter Frank Skinner’s set at the Greenbelt Christian arts festival this weekend was delayed by what one festival-goer described as “storms of biblical proportions.” But the practising Catholic admitted he had turned down numerous requests to appear because he was “frightened” by the Christian nature of the festival, which is now in […]