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Praise for clerics’ input during riots

THE violent disturbances that broke out in many English cities in August 2011 “made unprecedented demands on clergy, their staff, and the net­works they were involved in”, is the finding of a new report, published by the Church of England’s Mission and Public Affairs Council. The report Testing the Bridges, which seeks to understand the role […]

Marriage ads approved

THE Advertising Standards Auth­ority (ASA) has rejected complaints against four advertisements placed by the Campaign for Marriage coalition. The adverts had appeared in Country Life, The Daily Telegraph, and two blogs. The ASA said that 24 complainants had challenged whether the claim “70% of people say keep marriage as it is” in the advertisements could be substan-tiated. […]

Principal on ‘leave of absence’ after more redundancies

Wycliffe Hall, the Evangelical theological college in Oxford, was tight-lipped this week about the sudden departure of its Principal, the Revd Dr Richard Turnbull. Rumours started circulating about his absence on Friday. The college’s council finally issued a statement late on Wednes­day afternoon to assert that he had not been dismissed. In its statement, the […]

The Leveson Inquiry – a brief update of the evidence to date (it’s all Tom Watson’s fault)

It’s not the Murdochs’ fault, it’s one lone journalist. It’s not the one lone journalist’s fault, it’s the executives. It’s not the executives’ fault, it’s the lawyers. It’s not the lawyers’ fault, it’s the police. It’s not the police’s fault, it’s the company. It’s not the company’s fault, it’s the private investigators. It’s not the […]

Conservative evangelicals set up rival Anglicans structure

The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, meeting in London, say they’ll offer alternative spiritual leadership to dissaffected members of the Church of England.  They also want an alternative to the Archbishop of Canterbury as chairman of the Anglican primates meeting.  Is this a way of keeping the Anglican communion together or splitting it asunder? The Sunday […]