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Je ne suis pas Charlie; Je suis Gavin

Like just about everybody, I was shocked last week as news emerged of the terrorist attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo and the cold bloodied murder of the magazine’s journalists and cartoonists, visitors the office, police officers and, later, customers of a kosher supermarket. And, while I would have liked the terrorists responsible for the attack […]

A journalist with a police caution for domestic violence describes Ched Evans opponents as “morons”

Writing in the week’s Spectator (cover date 10 January 2015, but online now), the columnist Rod Liddle describes opponents of Ched Evans as “morons”. He starts his column with an attack on pseudonymous campaigner Jean Hatchet, saying that her name is “almost certainly too good to be true for a perpetually infuriated radical feminist.” He then […]

Some free advice to hospitals declaring A&E Major Incident status

You do sometimes wonder who is running our NHS hospitals. An increasing number of hospitals are declaring Major Incidents in their Accident and Emergency departments saying that their staff can’t cope with the unprecedented demand. Amongst them is my local A&E department at the County Hospital. You may not have heard of the County Hospital. It […]

Why can’t we have culturally relevant Christian TV in the UK?

In October last year I was invited by Sat-7, the Arabic Christian television network, to visit their studios in Cairo. I was impressed by what I saw: a small team of dedicated professionals committed to serving the church in their locality with culturally-relevant locally-produced programmes. Christians in Egypt are experiencing something of a transformation as […]

Argie-Bargie: FOI Act request discloses truth behind Top Gear’s H982 FKL car

Ever since Jeremy Clarkson and his Top Gear buddies were forced to flee Argentina in a row over the number plate on a Porsche 928 GT they were using to film a special edition of the programme; there have been claims and counter-claims that the Top Gear programme – never known to be deliberately uncontroversial […]

Today the Irish, tomorrow the Germans: Let us remember them together

Today, the Irish government will receive an official invitation to take part in the Remembrance Sunday commemorations at the Cenotaph: the UK’s annual flagship memorial event attended by the Queen and senior members of the royal family, senior politicians from across the political divides, former prime ministers, High Commissioners from Commonwealth countries, religious leaders, military officers […]