Gavin’s Joke of the Day: 22 Jan 2018

A nun and a lawyer die on the same day and arrive at heaven’s gate together. St Peter is there to greet them and reassures them that they have been expected.

“Follow me”, he says and he leads the pair through the streets of heaven.

He arrives at an opulent mansion with gold embossed features, the finest marble walls and floors, and the best furniture anybody has ever seen.

“This is your quarters,” he said to the lawyer. “Make yourself comfortable and I’ll come back later to check that everything is okay and whether you need anything.”

He then asked the nun to follow him as he took her to her quarters.

After a short while, they arrived at a small single-room bedsit that was extremely bare and hardly furnished.

“This is your quarters,” he said. “Make yourself comfortable and I’ll come back later to check that everything is okay and whether you need anything.”

“Oh, this is perfect. I could ask for nothing more,” the nun said. “But I do have a question: I’m not disappointed with my room. This is more than fine for me and I am more than satisfied; however, I am confused by the difference between the mansion we saw earlier and my room: has my life on earth not been good enough?”

“Nothing of the sort,” St Peter said. “Your lived a virtuous life full or prayer and care. Your room is our standard accommodation.

“The reason that the lawyer has been given a mansion and you have been given a bedsit is that nuns are ten-a-penny up here; but he’s the first lawyer we’ve had in decades!”